Sleep Package

Sleep Package

Durations: 3 Weeks

Age: 0-5 Years

Package Price: 540 EUR

During the first 5 years of a child’s life, they go through huge developmental changes. As a result their sleeping habits and needs change frequently. Day time naps and night sleep can quickly fall apart and short-term solutions for getting a child to sleep, such as walking or rocking a baby to sleep or co-sleeping quickly turn into long-term habits. This package is designed to help you teach your child new ways of settling and ultimately falling asleep independently.

Free initial call (15 minutes):

We will schedule an initial call to cover any questions you may have about the specific package. This call is free of charge.

Sleep Questionnaire:

I will send you a sleep questionnaire with questions about your child’s sleeping habits and routine, as well as their medical background (where relevant), personality, eating habits, developmental milestones and your own parenting philosophy. This will help me gain a thorough understanding of your individual needs, in order to create a personalised sleep plan for your child.

Sleep Plan:

You will be given a personalised sleep plan with a step-by-step strategy of how to tackle your individual challenges and I will be on hand to support and guide you along the way.

60 minute phone call:
Once I have finalised your sleep plan (usually within 48 hours), we will schedule a 60 minute phone call to run through the plan in detail and cover any questions that you may have.

3 week unlimited email support:
Once you begin with your plan (following the 60 minute phone call) you will have 3 weeks of unlimited email support, during which you can contact me with any questions and concerns. I will generally reply to your email within 24 hours, except on Sunday.

3 follow-up phone calls (15 minutes):
Over the course of the 3 weeks you can schedule 3 additional 15 minute phone calls to discuss any questions as they come up and discuss your progress.